Tuesday, April 27, 2010

狗 !

今晚, 我自留守黄府, 只因家父携带其爱人(家母), 奔向云顶高原..
家弟, 已去金马伦高原度假..
只剩(nickname : BoBo) 相依为命..
它对我的不离不弃, 黄某我非常的感动
如果我是, 你像~把我盛托~
如果我是尘埃, 你像吸尘机~把我吸引~
如果我是寿司, 你像三文鱼~把我贴紧~
如果我是西瓜, 你像果汁机~把我内心防卫粉碎~
如果我是张废纸, 你像一团~带我远走高飞~
为何这翻话,我只有机会和一只狗说?? 百思不得其解..天

没办法, 物似主人型, 就是酱简单 !

这只狗曾经打输给一只猫, 这是不可能, 后来我不断重复的回想,
可能它只是不想伤及无辜, 才不出招..果然宅心仁厚..

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The last week . Emo .Nostalgic

Here come to my very last week of Uni life..
How I wish I could escape from this place, since the first day I entered into the Uni. The thought was last so long till recently, it had changed.
Now, I'm unwilling to leave...
I could recall the first day I stepped into the campus, i knew no one...I carried a bag with no book..all the faces were so strange..everything was weird.
And time flies, I had made plenty of friends...
They came from north, south.. or even further from east of Malaysia.
I'm so appreciate every single second I spent with you all..
--The football match on every Wednesday..
--The DOTA time after class..
--The way we usual walk for lunch outside the Uni..
--The semester break trips...
--The S-block where we stay until midnight for revision..
--The cafeteria where we always blow water..
--The voice that wake me up when i fall asleep..
--The Single Society i held for 4 years..
--The way you call me "Captain"...
--The footprints left on the floor...
--The perplexed faces in the exam hall..
--The smiles that cheer me up..
--The jokes that worth a laugh...
--A girl who worth my tears..

I and her were grouped together in our Y1s1,first lab...
There was the place I introduced me to her..4 years ago..
I used to walk slower when I passing by the same place these years..
I remember, you asked for my phone..
I said I cannot give you my phone, but only my phone no. I can...
She laughed.
That day I caught by the way she smile, but i didn't tell..
The gift of my 21st birthday from her, i wrapped up it back for keep..
One day, she put a letter into my bag silently, the letter with some hand drawing icons..
It is colorful and meaningful..
She thanks for the things i did, and she appreciates our friendship very much..
However i not get the meaning, i chased after her 2.5 years..
I fed up the fate left me breathless, I ruined the friendship..
That was a mistake, Sorry for I did a mistake..swept away everything..
Fortunately, at last..we could patch up the friendship...
It is never too late to mend..

I still keep the letter in an envelop and tuck it inside a thick book..
Those precious moments believe could last a life time..
I'll be incomplete if I choose not to come over here at that time...

Saturday, April 10, 2010


大前天, 我去了踢球..在球场上五关斩六将*(见注解1)..
可能我性格比较文静, 态度也比较谦虚..不想大事宣扬..
忙了一个月,一段时间没有踢球, 再次踏上球场, 没有丝毫胆怯..
依然威风凛凛, 气势直逼敌人..
尖锐的眼神令人双脚振动, 这么说是一点都不过分..

那天, 我踢得好..
脚法明显由原来的很差, 变得更生疏..
判断错误, 飞机脚*(见注解3), 低级失误, 已不值得惊讶..
速度, 敏捷, 只能在他人身上发现...
(注意: 本人正值壮年, 异常健康, 身体强如水牛*(见注解4), 只是偏远高峰期)

1. 关羽与刘备失散之后, 一直留在曹操营..得知刘备身在河北--袁绍处, 欲前往追随..
曹操不许, 关羽没令牌之下, 经过5个XXX地方, 砍下6个XXX守关将..

2.形容词. 形容东西被穿在一起变成一条条...

3. 是一门''高深''技术, 瞄准之后, 运用腰力挥腿, 踢到球........
旁边的空气, 球依然停留原地..简单说: 踢空

4. 一种喜爱水的草食动物, 长得像牛

1. 不用钱的戏很好看..
2. 想做清兵, 心口贴"勇" 字, 勇往直前..但往往都没有好下场
3. 我的心事有谁能知?


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