Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My golden LEFT leg

Here we go.

This is a "Pig's leg"...
if you say YES, you are suggested to have an optical check..
Because this is a human leg... My leg !!
Let me introduce a bit about my leg..
I have two legs, left and right..the left one called left leg, and the right one called right leg..
Their characteristics are :
i) short distance acceleration
ii) straight line speed-up
iii) steep angle cornering
iv) powerful weapon while playing football..
Ok, stop to say those well known things...
I twisted my ankle two months ago..
I thought it's not so serious and let it to recover by itself..
But thing not turn out as I wish.. it's still bring me some pain even a simple exercise like jogging..
So, yesterday i went to see doctor,
my leg jadi ini macam:

It's something called Acupuncture(针灸)
The needles were connected with a power supply after it were inserted..
The device supplied electricity to 'shock' my little pity leg about 45 mins..
Don't play play, it is so so so painful...
Last thing, an ultrasonic device used to massage my leg about to relieve the muscular pain..
sound so serious..
GO BACK again by second treatment..God BLEss me

p/s: I fell asleep while 'shocking' my leg, and you came to me..
when i opened my eyes and it was just a dream..why is 'her' but not 'her'?
Peoples say: 日有所思,夜有所梦..Things that play in your mind at day time, would come to your dream at night..
Somehow, it's not always's hardly to has a dream as I looking for in day time,
but those happened long enough to forget, come to my dream...
Remind me that it is still last in memory...

Friday, December 25, 2009


圣诞节,对我这些单身贵族来说, 只不过是365天的其中一天..
那晚, 我看了郭富城---"杀人犯"
煮了碗tomyam面, 一切准备就绪, 去欣赏这部电影...
正当我张开了口, 距离那tomyam面只有区区的2cm, 唾液腺很成功的分泌着唾液..
电视机突然"Bang !"一声..
有个人从9楼掉下来, 满地脑浆和血...傻眼 !
整套戏好象看鬼片...有铁钉插眼, 电钻钻人, 尸体塞进微波炉, 还有只女鬼过马路被lorry辗死

这部电影, 我看到了"一将功成万骨枯"的道理...
人们感动的是人物的牺牲, 成就伟业..
但回归现实, 人, 鲜少牺牲, 以自己为中心
人不会牺牲利益, 生活素质, 时间, 金钱去成就他人..去换取他人的快乐..
只会在不牺牲的条件底下, 尽其量在别人身上得到好处, 换取自己的快乐..

当只有一部分的人作出牺牲, 后来发现不能平衡..
如果有一天, 人人都能为对方牺牲, 我们背后会张出一对翅膀, 天灵盖上会有一道光环
人间的仇恨, 计较..将会永远被蒸发..
如果我觉得值得, 我会...因为, 我不会后悔

---戏中的黎明好搞笑, 为了打架去set了头发..由乞丐变成"中华英雄"..想象, 你是个理发师,
有个乞丐进来说要set个头发,请你"负离子"一下..你问他为什么? 他说明天要去打架...
我想, 我会笑足半天才动手..
---谢谢你的阅读, 容许我长篇大论..因为一个人的圣诞节, 是没什么好做的

Monday, December 21, 2009

伤 . 痕

Photography by ykit.
edited by nkweng

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


据考古学家说, 男的大约30岁,女的大约20岁,从他们的亲密姿势来看,应该是情侣关系..
死也不分离的那一刻, 倾倒众人..
拥抱8千年, 让人感叹...
对爱的坚持, 而流芳百世

Friday, December 11, 2009


Photography by Whale girl (name not disclose)
Edited : nkweng

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

i'm selling my lungs

Recently I'm selling my lungs...
how could i said so?
i hv been offered a job, or more likely it's a survey for smokers..
all it requested to do are try out about 4 various kinds of cigarette in half an hr
and give the comments..duration for continuous 4days..
then i will b given a good pay..
well, I'm NOT a smoker..
but i do smoke b4, was long time ago..
now i rarely smoke, only if certain environment needed to do so..i will..
ppl called this-- a social smoker..
but again...
i rarely smoke...
i always make sure it couldn't bring any significant impact to my health..
So, back to the topic..when i heard about tis..
I'm thinking tat it's just like a money on the floor, i needed only to bend down my body and get it.
thus, i decided to involve myself in the survey...
Quite frankly, i couldn't distinguish between the good cigarette and the bad one..
some smells made me felt so uncomfortable and unexpected last long in my mouth was disgusting..
2morow is my last day..
my little invaluable lovely lungs...TAHAN abit...abit ..
At this moment, i have no choice but feed u with smokes..
after all, i will quit smoking and give u drink more water..
go jogging in the morning let u enjoy the most fresher air in the town..
i dont tell my parents that I'm going to sell my lungs but testing the potato chips...
so dun bocor my secret yaa..

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Photographer : 匿名
Edited by: nkweng


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