Friday, May 27, 2011


孙悟空有筋斗云, 哪吒三太子有风火轮, 我都有很厉害的东西..
它姓safe, 名叫ty-boot.. 全名叫safety boot...
每次我去site inspection时, 它都会跟住我, 保护它主人的一双玉脚..
在kuantan 的半年, 无论黑夜星晨, 晴天雨天, 痛苦疾病,
它都愿意跟随我, 不离不弃



踏破铁鞋无觅处, 这句话的"踏破铁鞋"是真的存在的..
是名副其实的铁鞋.. 我穿着这种鞋在kuantan每天爬二十多层楼..
结果回来就听到这句话, "哇,省回几千块不用去减肥"  =.=!

今天买了一双新的safety boot..

乌龟青 .. 好雅!

给我 ex - boot 的心地话:

我是一个很念旧的人, 喜欢很旧的歌, 喜欢旧的朋友..
给人骂到头低低, 看见的也是你..
但当我开心,迎头而笑, 却没有望着你....
我嗅到你偷偷在你的身体, 藏下我的味道..
我很想和你讲... 很臭啊!! 点解你顶得顺??
哈 哈

Thursday, May 26, 2011


也许 会被 遗弃
也许 会被 忘记

Saturday, May 21, 2011


是否人的欲望都会像宇宙的黑洞, 永无止境
几天前的一个公共假期, 我留在家睡午觉,
醒后有点渴, 打开冰箱惊看到半罐coca-cola,
才记得是昨天喝剩的, 这半罐可乐, 带给了我惊喜和快乐..
这刻我有个疑问, 满足可不可以永远都是这么简单?

我会偷偷在我的裤袋,放下50仙硬币, 然后假装忘记,
隔天到学校, 摸一摸口袋
"eii, 可以买零食 .."
"kakak, apollo satu"

另一个地方每次都会让我惊喜连连, 莫过于是sofa底和床底,
玩腻了就丢了, 不见了却心急了..
以前我家很穷, 我妈妈要缝衣糊口,
她做工时,会把我放在tilam上,对着墙壁, 然后我就可以这样望着墙壁,
大该一个小时, 看腻了就会哭,
我妈就把我转去另一副墙壁, 我又可以看上一个小时..
我每天都要望着不同的墙壁很久, 想象不到当时的画面,
长大后, 一副墙壁是不可能让我满足的...

我只是想了结我一个心愿, 之后就不打搅你
理由就是这么简单, 但说不出口...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SMK Raja Abdullah暴力事件

最近这个 SMK Raja Abdullah 发生的暴力事件, 搞到满城风雨.
一名女生在班上, 被数名女生剪头发, 领带索颈, 攻击.
片长3分钟, 中途没人伸出援手.. 受害者像板上的肉, 任人宰割..
肆虐者强行发型改造计划, 发挥发型师的潜能.
此行为引起民愤.. 一把剪刀和头发擦出的火花, 就这样成了城中热门话题...
施暴者近期人气急速上升, 直逼10粒星.

此事, 网络起了很有威胁的作用, 用最低的成本, 进行这个"人肉搜查",
效果往往比警方通辑 更有效率, 引起各界的关注, 成功向相关部门施加压力.
媒体也在关注此事. 结果教育部插手, gantung了犯罪者14天 + 心理辅导

在黄某, 以为就此告一段落的时候, 结果又是一阵轰动.
网友依然不放过牵涉者, 不满判刑太轻, 要她们公开道歉.
其实我都有关注这件事, 发觉时下的网友思想都很极端..
她们是很过分, 但很多的留言都是很大杀气: "出入小心" , "被人打.." , "被人强X"
很老实, 我看不出这些人和施暴者有什么分别.
他们是同一群人, 都是暴力倾向的病人.
在文明的社会, 藏起了不文明的思想.

13岁不能上课又能做什么? 一生前途就被毁灭, 肯定滥生另一种社会问题.
当一个人犯下相关罪行, 就会被判下相关刑罚.
当他的刑罚已满, 就会被释放.
法律令人没有兴趣知道, 他是否已经改过 ,
只要对方受到很重的刑罚, 才会心凉, 消一口气.
这种态度,治标不治本. 问题依然不会解决.
依小弟愚见, 应该重视的是心理辅导, 调整扭曲的思维,
让她们踏上正路, 才是大家关注这件事的最终目的才是.

*曾经, 我以为恐龙是绝种了的, 直到我发现了这张照片

Monday, May 9, 2011

Why I have to work??

Why do people work?
I ask myself this question every morning I am brushing my teeth in front of the mirror.
How good if I can live without to work.
I could bring along a camera snap whatever i see, travel anywhere enjoy the good view, going to the beach and probably there are some bikini. *shy*

There are million of reasons why people not to work. (sakit perut la, pening kepala la, cirit-birit la...)
But basically, there is only one reason to keep people work.
"Make a living ."
We are spending in living.
Money keep peoples wake up in the early morning, get themselves into the heavy traffic, work for 8hours or maybe more.
Money seems appear to be the main reason of why do people need to work.
Ok, so let's change the question to "Why do people make money?"

Money gives a power to dominant labor. That's all.
With the power of money, you can easily ask someone to work for you.
Means you are likely to buy his labor force and you give money as award.
If you ask few "Mang ka lai" to build a house for you. They won't do that.
If you ask few "Mang Ka lai" to build a house for you, eventually they will get paid? Yes they do.

So, you are using money to buy their labor, the man power.
After the "Mang Ka lai" got the paid, and he go to buy "mee goreng" cost RM4.50.
He will pay the RM4.50 for the mee, because he agree with the "labors'' contain inside the mee.
The vegetable inside the noodle has farmer efforts to grow it, the production effort of the mee, raw material, transportation and of cause the labor of chef who cook the mee goreng.
If the "Mang ka lai" disagree with the cost of RM4.50, he have to be a farmer to grow some vegetables, to get flour for making noodle and learn to cook a delicious mee goreng.
Let's say if he want to add a "telur mata" on top of his "mee goreng", usually cost another RM0.50
he has to feed a chicken and wait it to lay an egg.
See... that's why MRR2 always so damn jam in the early morning !!
Cause no one wanna to wait a chicken to lay an egg while he just want to have a "telur mata" on top of his "mee goreng" !!

Secondly, let's imagine, the world was suddenly so wonderful, no one has need to work, money is not exist.
And you have plenty of time, you can travel anywhere, going to the cinema, chit chat in the bar, lunch in the restaurant.
Since no one is working, no one else need to work to earn money.
So, who make you a car? Who get the petroleum where it is few kilometer under the sea?
Who drive a bus? Who serve you in the restaurant? Where's the chef?
You step into the cinema, there is nobody sitting in the counter. No movie, as "actor" does not exist too if "no one else need to work to earn money".

We are not possible to do everything for ourselves. We are relying on other peoples special skill to do things for us.
If pull out the factor of money, we are helping each other.
Farmer, butcher, doctor, lawyer, engineer, technician, accountant, banker, broker etc...we are interrelated.

SO, the conclusion is, NO ONE can escape, unless you are achieved financial freedom.
Otherwise, tomorrow still need to wake up in the early morning, get yourselves into the boring damn jam traffic, reaching the office on time, hard work like a COW, tame like a SHEEP while your boss is barked like a DOG !!! -.-!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


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